tisdag 28 juni 2011


Two and a half weeks have almost passed since I graduated and looking back, it actually makes me sad. Here I am, a high school graduate with a cold and jetlag, packing up all my graduation gifts and looking at pictures from my big day. I want to go back to that day because it was one of the greatest days of my life and realising that it is over, is making me cry. I have not understood that I have graduated, that I am done with high school - done with the IB. Such great achievements but yet I cannot seem to process it.

söndag 12 juni 2011


I graduated two days ago and it still has not sunk in. High school is over, finished, finito. I pulled through it and I actually made it. It was one of the happiest days of my life and I am a little bit sad over the fact that it was over with so quickly. The day after (yesterday that is), I was on a plan to Taipei and now here I am. Have not slept for over 24 hours, so I am already in bed although it is only half past eight but I just started another episode of True Blood so it will be another hour before I will go to sleep.

torsdag 9 juni 2011


I am graduating tomorrow. Tomorrow! I have not got any real sleep all week, so I am exhausted and stressed at the same time. I am truly longing for tomorrow because it means that high school is really over and it is going to be a lot of fun! It all starts with a Champagne breakfast in the park by our school, then we will have a final good bye with our mentor before the principal will speak in our auditorium (boring). To finally end it all, we will be lining up and then running out to all our beloved ones standing in the yard waiting for us. We are around 700 students graduating so it is going to be chaos I believe, altough I do not mind - it is our graduation after all!