söndag 27 februari 2011


I know that I should be writing about all the extremely horrible things that are going on around the world but honestly, I am stunned. And not in the good way, I do not know what to say. Words are not enough to describe the horrible situation that Libya is in right now. I mean, people are dying in brutal ways and here am I, eating a doughnut for breakfast. I will never be able to put myself in their shoes (mentally, that is) because it is too horrifying.

onsdag 23 februari 2011


Once again I am blogging from my phone by using the app "Blogger-droid". I am in Swedish class but no one cared to show and our teacher is in South Africa, so I am the only one here. Still watching the same play as I did monday. I would like to say that it is an interesting play but it is rather odd. When I am not here I am finishing up internal assessments and in filling in applications for being an au pair. SO much paperwork!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

måndag 21 februari 2011


Right now I'm sitting in school and watching "natten är dagens mor", a play by Lars Noren. So what is new? I am currently seeking an au pair job starting in August. So far no news but I will keep you posted.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

onsdag 9 februari 2011


To give myself a little confidence boost, I am posting an e-mail that my mentor sent to my mum about my progress in school. My mum felt so proud so that she forwarded it to me and I can actually say that I am proud too.

"Sorry this has taken me a while to get round to writing, but I just wanted to send you a quick e-mail to give you an comment on Åse's 'report card' from last term and her situation right now. All of Åse's teachers are pleased with the progress she is making in her studies. She is working very hard at the moment to meet the deadlines the students are facing before sportlov, and we just wanted to let you know that we are impressed with the effort, commitment and organisation Åse is showing in completing this work. While the final exams will no doubt prove to be a challenge, we are confident that Åse will perform well in these. Her determination and focused approach to her studies will hopefully be applied to her revision as well, putting her in a good position come exam-time in May."

söndag 6 februari 2011


I will be turning 19 on saturday. I have been looking forward to it for months but now it is like it does not matter anymore. Without the people I loved the most, everything else seem so plain and boring. I have came to the realisation that I do not live life to enjoy it, I live it just so that the days will pass. The more days that will pass, the easier it will get. Simple as that. It is like I am in prison, just doing my days until I can get out of here. Until I can leave this place and all the people that still are here.

tisdag 1 februari 2011


For the first time in a very long time, I have an actual goal. I know what I want to do with my life and where I want to go. I know what I want to become and I am actually completely sure. For such an impulsive person as myself, it feels good to have settled at this one thing. My education. In 2012, I am leaving Sweden for a couple of years to become a psychologist. That is my goal. And where am I going? I am leaving Sweden for Scotland.